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Delphinium Grandiflorum Compactum – Butterfly Series Rose seed pink white flowers

Delphinium Grandiflorum Compactum – Butterfly Series Rose is a dwarf Delphinium that tops out at 15 inches in height. The stalks are filled with rich rose blooms that create stalks that stand out from the green foliage and as a bonus, they do not require staking! They can be grown in either full sun or partial shade in well-draining soils. The flowers are magnets for hummingbirds and butterflies who love to check each bloom for nectar. A great feature of these plants is that they are resistant to deer and rabbits. They are lovely as a walkway, guiding you in your garden paths, or in pots with taller plants to bloom over the little stalks. The stunning rose flowers will bloom from late Spring to Fall. Well worth adding to your garden for their color! I have the flowers available in 4 colors, this sale is for rose, and I also have light blue, blue, and white. Plant several colors together to create a colorful display. You don’t want to miss out on this plant find, it will surely add a nice pop of color to any garden!


                  25+ seed per pack                 


Planting Zone: 3 - 7


Full Sun to Part Shade


Height: 15 inches tall


Width: 8 inches – 10 inches wide


Attracts Hummingbirds, Butterflies


Deer and Rabbit Resistant


Great for Containers, Walkways


I urge anyone buying seed to do their homework on germination, I have not raised and cannot raise many of these plants as I am sub-tropics here in St Augustine, Florida. All seed are NOT alike! There are so many different factors in germination and not doing a search is throwing your money away. I want everyone to be successful when growing your flowers from seed it is the most rewarding experience in Gardening and you can do it, if you give the seed what it needs to grow. I always check 3 sites of info to choose how I will go about it. It is not hard to do, if you do it right!


Good Luck and Happy Planting!!!!

Delphinium Grandiflorum Compactum – Butterfly Series Rose seed

Only 5 left in stock