Potentilla nepalensis - Ron McBeath is a showy clump forming herbaceous non-shrubby perennial with sprawling wiry stems. The stems branch out and are covered with strawberry-like toothed and hairy leaves. The sweet looking flowers are small, and cup shaped with luscious heart shaped petals of crimson rose and dark crimson centers that will bloom from May to August, can be grown in either full sun or partial shade in well-draining various soils, and will grow between 10 – 12 inches tall. A nice characteristic of this plant is that it is drought tolerant. The plant is also edible and has medicinal value. These flowers will attract pollinators to your garden such as Butterflies and Bees while being resistant to Deer and Rabbits. These are great for cut flowers and do well in containers. A fun fact about this plant is that the cultivar, Ron McBeath, was a former assistant curator of plants at the Royal
Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland. Another great feature of this plant is that it is easy to grow, making this the perfect plant for the beginning gardener! You don’t want to miss out on this plant find, it will surely add a nice flare to your garden!
25+ seed per pack
Planting Zone: 5 – 8
Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: 10 inches – 12 inches
Width: 12 inches – 24 inches
Soil: well-drained various soils
Attracts Butterflies and Bees
Edible: roots can be eaten alone and have a flavor similar to parsnips. Leaves used for teas.
Flowers in fruit and salads. – Please do your own research and/or consult with a physician first before consuming any part of a plant or flower.
Medicinal: has been used in teas and foods for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties,
inflammation, stress associated diseases, cancer, diabetes, PMS, and diarrhea. Made into a
poultice to treat burns, sores, and wounds. – Please do your own research and/or consult with a physician first before consuming any part of a plant or flower.
Great for Cut Flowers, Containers
Deer and Rabbit resistant
Drought tolerant
Easy to Grow
I urge anyone buying seed to do their homework on germination, I have not raised and cannot raise many of these plants as I am sub-tropics here in St Augustine,Florida. All seed are NOT alike! There are so many different factors in germination and not doing a search is throwing your money away. I want everyone to be successful when growing your flowers from seed it is the most rewarding experience in Gardening and you can do it, if you give the seed what it needs to grow. I always check 3 sites of info to choose how I will go about it. It is not hard to do, if you do it right!
Good Luck and Happy Planting!!!!
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